MTQ, Inc. Web and Database Team


I am the technical director for MTQ, Inc. I specialize in MSsql server, Cisco hardware, general networking, and Windows Servers on the hardware side. When it comes to the software side, I am advanced in ASP,,, C#, and HTML. Utilizing software packages such as Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Visual I think one of my best strengths is the ability to adapt to the ever changing environment in which our firm works. I add value by providing insightful ideas. My ideas are new and creative ways to satisfy our customer’s present needs and future desirers.



I am an expert with ASP and database applications. Such as shopping carts, mail forms, and e-commerce. I also know CGI scripting, such as Pearl.



I specialize in UNIX platforms. I also provide support for off the
shelf software, such as Symantec, and Windows operating systems. I
also provide support for hardware upgrades and repair.



My role is an HTML coder. The boring stuff that nobody else want to do. I work with XML, XHTML, and the dull side of ASP. I also provide support to the group with any other basic programing tasks.




Jason is proficient in html, css, image editing software and Dreamweaver. He occasionally writes content for websites as well.



I bring visual ambiance to our web designs. HTML is my game.


Picture Coming Soon

Erik's background includes several programming languages, webpage design using HTML, PHP, and CSS, and database design and administration.